Friday, January 27, 2006

I'll Be Home By 11pm.....Honest !

Having been away from home for a week, it may not have been one of my wisest decisions to go out with my mates within 7 hours of returning home. However I did reassure Pip that I wouldn't be out long and that i would drink sensibly and responsibly. Pippa was even kind enough to drop me at the train station so I wouldn't be late to meet the guys on the 6:29pm train to St.Albans.

On the train, Graham enthralls us with tales of his kidney stones and the unrivalled pain of passing one whilst having a pee. The icing on his story though was that he was now booked to have his bladder checked using a non-invasive procedure, a medical breakthrough - a camera up his knob. Having known graham for over 30 years, I have come to learn his body language, I could tell he wasn't looking forward to cock-cam next Tuesday.

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