Monday, May 01, 2006

Da Vinci Code - fancy that !

One TV programme that really caught my eye tonight was the documentary concerning the globally-popular Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. They followed the various threads of conspiracy and alternate gospels, which got me thinking. After an hour or so, researching Da Vinci and using the very latest technology to almost X-ray oil paintings, such as the last supper, I made an astonishing discovery.

Uncovering 3 layers of paint, you can clearly make out one of the disciples passing Jesus a Sony Ericsson T20 - mobile phone. In the image below, I used a magnify technique to zoom in on the handset. Now this revelation throws up three significant questions in my mind :

(1) Did Da Vinci invent the mobile phone hundreds of years ago ?
(2) In fact, were mobile phones available back then, but outlawed by the Romans in 58AD ?
(3) Would Jesus be a pay-as-you-go or contract customer ?

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