Saturday, April 16, 2005

Emergency - Get To Ireland in the next 24hrs !

I received a very desperate call from the Irish Greyhound Board last night, much of which was swearing in a heavy Irish accent. Things were not going well at the stadium in Cork, having sent three engineers to fix the problem over the last week, the system was still down. It was time to put my underpants over my trousers, don the cape of power and book an early flight to Ireland. This was going to be a tough and difficult mission, one that I could not face alone....

Ring ring...ring ring...."Hello Pips, how are you", I enquired, even though I had seen Pippa not twenty minutes ago and she was only 40 yards away in another office. "Fine....why are you asking ? Whats up?", Pippa new I was about to spring either good or bad news on her.
"Want to come to Ireland with me for the weekend, need to know in the next 30 minutes, pop and see me and we can discuss" I informed her in a very business-like fashion.

***Detail To Follow***

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